Saturday, September 15, 2012

                                      How to deliver an Effective Performance Review

Performance review is an excellent opportunity for employees to know their strengths and weakness, but it is the responsibility of manager to effectively deliver the review in such a way it reinforces the star performers and redirects the poor performers.  During the appraisal, if the manager tell positive things about the employees and sugarcoat the negative qualities this would lead to mixed message in the mind of the employee and lead to disappointment. The article helps us to know the various strategies that aid the appraiser to deliver productive and stress-free performance appraisal.

Many experts state that, face-to- face performance review is the toughest one for employees and for the managers because it requires a person to stand in judgment of other. James Baron, the William S. Beinecke Professor of Management at Yale School of Management articulated that, performance management is a process and it involves significant amount of real-time for rendering feedback to the known employees.

Setting up clear expectations at the beginning of the year or at the commencement of a project with your employees and learning their person’s goals and explaining your expectations is paramount importance because it helps the employees to know their accountability. James Baron also stated that, understanding the ambitions of the direct reports would help managers to know their career ambitions which would enlarge their professional experiences. Before the face-to-face review ask the employee to jot down few best things he/she has done in the company. The appraiser should have detailed note about employee such as the targets achieved by him/her, missed deadlines, clients’ feedback and so on.  When the appraiser discusses the performance review in personal with the employee, he/she sometimes tend to churn out emotions (glad, sad, mad or scared) , so to avoid such emotional outburst, give a copy of the appraisal to the employee a couple of hours before the interaction so that, they can have their own time to think about it.

Often during face-to-face review managers tend to provide sandwich feedback, this would sometimes demoralize the star performers and encourage marginal or low performers. So the appraiser should take a clear stand for both star performers and marginal performers, so that they would know exactly where they are playing right and where they are not, this helps them to excel in their career and motivates them to do better.

 After discussing the strengths and weaknesses with the performers, ask them how they feel and listen to their concerns.  Use a “stop, start and continue” model- what the employee doing now which is not working, what they are best at and what kind-off actions they should do in future. Give specific advice and not general advices.  Core issues associated with performance review is the money and rank. The appraiser should be clear with the amount that is to be allotted and ranking is the most challenging part of the system. The appraiser is dealing with highly selective group of people, so he/she should be clear with the ranking, under-ranking of a good performer would let the person down and ranking everyone in the average is also not a good sign. Ranking and conveying the message is the greatest leadership challenge.

So finally summarize the core message with two or three strengths to be carried and important areas of development. These are the principles would help the managers to deliver an effective and stress-free performance review.


Author   :  Subburam N.N
College  :  Amrita School of Business, Bangalore
Email id :

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